人工智能山水图|Shan-Shui Paintings by AI

<Shan-Shui Paintings by AI> is a new series from my studio’s recent new media art projects , this series are focus on how to make a impressive visual creation, present a realistic relationship between the technology and creative art and also shifting the ‘Abstractive Unknowingly Cool’ from new media art to more easy to understand concept  within an overwhelmly decorated by Tech-Buzzword art market.

<人工智能山水图> 是我工作室新媒体艺术项目的新系列,这个系列主要目的就是面对当下利用科技流行词(Buzzword)对新媒体艺术作品进行包装鱼龙混杂的市场环境下,真正利用人工智能进行有力的视觉创作,进而呈现真实艺术创作和科学技术之间的关系,让不明觉厉新媒体艺术变得通俗易懂。


多緯采樣#1|Dimensional Sampling_#1

Dimensional Sampling (Series) is a digital contemporary art project started by Cao Yuxi Studio in 2019. The core concept of the project is based on the digital totem of the era totem represented by the QR code image style, and further re-examine the digital age of the new era. This AudioVisual version installation is collaborative project that created with Hong Kong based sound artist Lawrence Lau. 



富春山居圖|Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (富春山居图) is a generative digital art installation that created by artists Caoyuxi studio as part of his QRC (Quick Response Code) project, which is using the halftone pattern machine learning technique to transform visually random QR code pattern into human readable image but still keep the original scanning function of QR code.

《富春山居图》是曹雨西艺术工作室所创作的数字生成艺术装置。此作品是艺术家QRC (Quick Response Code 快速响应代码)项目的一部分。应用基于半调图案的机器学习技术,作品将视觉上抽象的二维码(QR code)图案转化为人们可阅读的具象图形。与此同时,二维码的扫描功能仍被保留。



This is the most direct and purely color code expression of digital artist Cao Yuxi. There is no enlightenment in any statement, and there is no complicated interpretation of all kinds of so-called big data. He believes that digital art works are also the expression of the artist's true metaphysical control. <Untitled Untitled _#2> is an expression of his 2018 random color expression.

<Untitled无题_#2> 是他2018年随机色彩表现力的一次表达。



《红潮_RedTide》 是曹雨西2018年的新作,也是2018年4月在深圳落地的数字媒体公共艺术项目《引力塔》(混和版)的参展作品之一。


红潮_RedTide is a recent work created by Cao Yuxi(James) in 2018. The work was featured as one of the participating pieces at Gravity Tower [Remix Edition] in ShenZhen, April 2018. 
红潮_RedTide generates a dynamic series of ritual patterns that are mapped and rendered on a 22-feet-tall cylindrical LED tower surrounded by stainless steel spheres of random sizes and a speaker system. 红潮_RedTide transforms the Gravity Tower into a mysterious totem pole, thus activating in the audience’s mind a reddish, futuristic spiritual cyber-field  tinted with the ethereal ambient sound and audio-reactive, symmetric visual. 



ORIENS is an Audiovisual installation finished in 2017 by Cao Yuxi(James) within a 30M*14M*14M space at Today Art Musum in Beijing.
This installation utilize the three dimensions of this immersive mapping projection space, sinks the audience into external dimensional atom blackhole that beyond the human's perception.



The Vast Land |千里江山图 是曹雨西工作室2013年启动的艺术项目,整个作品的框架创作逻辑是:通过使用具体真实的北京的雾霾历史数据来对进行900年前的北宋时期王希孟的“千里江山图”的画面内容的像素阵列的纵轴坐标进行打碎和重组的生成制作。目前项目进度是将2014年到2016年美国大使馆在北京监测到的PM2.5空气质量历史数据重绘画面,并创造出限量的打印版艺术品和可被数字展示并且实时播报数据的网站和应用程序。

The Vast Land | 千里江山图 is a data-visualized interpretation of Wang Ximeng’s famous painting from the Northern Song Dynasty. Cao Yuxi combines the 900-year old work A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains with data from the Air Quality Index of Beijing. The resulting new artwork is a powerful and poignant commentary on the deteriorating “vast lands” in which Cao Yuxi resides. 



A self-generating universe, producing digital artifacts that can be projected and visualized unto a screen. the concept behind the project is to develop self-evolving simulations that transform with time, those digital artifacts will survive and evolve from simple to complex organic creatures based on their own immanent laws of interaction.

Mo墨 is a parametric particle system based on Brownian motion system, The character 墨 is simplified Chinese for the word mo (墨) meaning ink, a name for this self-customized particle system made by using Processing in Java, The form of the project is highly mutable, manifesting itself in post-rendered video or real-time visuals with interactive applications in Operating Systems or Web browsers.

Mo墨是一个基于布朗尼(Brownian motion)或pedesis物理现象的基本运动原理的参数化粒子系统的抽象作品,布朗尼原理(Brownian motion)是颗粒悬浮在气体或液体中原子或分子碰撞产生的运动流体法则。 Mo墨就是基于这个运算法则通过Java的processing编程语言编写自定而成的粒子系统。这个项目的输出形式是高度可变化的,既可以通过后期渲染序列帧的方式输出视频也可以输出成以系统生成器添加输入端进行实时生成的OS或者Web端的应用程序。