The Vast Land | 千里江山图 (Previous known as Thousands Li of Rivers and Mountains) is an data-visual art projects that “repaints” Wang Ximeng’s famous painting from the Northern Song Dynasty.
Using a live feed and historical PM2.5 archive data from the USA embassy's “Air Quality Index of Beijing” website and twitter bot, This work distorts the 900 year old representation of mountains and landscapes, transforming it into a new piece that disrupts established views.
The distortion of the image is directly linked to the realtime data feed about the amount of air pollution in beijing, up to the point that the landscape is completely falling apart. This work is using code to distort a familiar object in a way that questions established views, connects the past and the present, and hopes to influence the public.
The Vast Land will be able to be viewed with realtime date on the web starting in 2017 over:
Mo墨 is a parametric particle system based on Brownian motion system, The character 墨 is simplified Chinese for the word mo (墨) meaning ink, a name for this self-customized particle system made by using Processing in Java, The form of the project is highly mutable, manifesting itself in post-rendered video or real-time visuals with interactive applications in Operating Systems or Web browsers.
Mo墨 with Kinect Is an interactive mapping installation that invite audiences to participate this real time digital art creation process . The movement of audiences' silhouette will become a new exclusion layer that will magically blend into the canvas, It works like a weird two dimensional mirror that will reflect a new immersive digital art experience for audiences.
Mo墨是一个基于布朗尼(Brownian motion)或pedesis物理现象的基本运动原理的参数化粒子系统的抽象作品,布朗尼原理(Brownian motion)是颗粒悬浮在气体或液体中原子或分子碰撞产生的运动流体法则。
MACROCOSM is a self-generating programming system, producing digital artifacts that can be projected and visualized unto any type screen from cinema theater to dome and also the VR world.
The concept behind the project is to develop self-evolving simulations that transform with time and audio, and which the audience can witness during the screening. in other words, those digital artifacts will ‘survive and evolve from simple to complex organic creatures based on their own immanent laws of interaction.
The audio-visuals created by yuxi cao’s programming system requires huge amounts of data from sound to processing. the Project has two versions: installation and live A/V performance version.
A Spacial Mapping Projection Installation that visualize the construction space add up volume in twenty years of China's economy growth. the works challenge the concept about visualization in 3d, and depict a space with panorama rendering within 3d space projection. create a semi holo graphical experince for the audenice.
A LED lights based sculptural lighting installation, and a calibration outcome with Chinese public art artist Wang Kaifang.The lighting technology used to always being controlled by DMX based staging controller which consume lots spend and hold a relative hard threshold for indie artist or maker.
PYRITOHEDRON disrupted the past bad conversation between the analog lighting signal and the pixel-zed computer signal , easily translated the graphic output content that we made over screen to the addressable led. which directly lead to delightful creation node that transform the data to disrupted object where could massive the possibilities of the digital signal.